Video blogs

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Webinar: Migraine Prevention

Learn more about how to prevent migraine headaches.   ...

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Webinar: How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Watch my latest video to learn the cause of high blood pressure and how to lower blood pressure naturally.   ...

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Natural Remedy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Watch this video to learn about a course, Natural Remedy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.   ...

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How to Heal a Concussion Fast

Learn more about the course How to Heal a Concussion Fast by watching my latest video. If you or a loved one has had a concussion or head injury, there are safe and all-natural treatments that can help.   ...

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Feel Better Naturally

Do you want to feel better naturally? Watch my latest video to learn more! ...

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Acupressure for Erectile Dysfunction

Learn more about the course Acupressure for Erectile Dysfunction by watching my latest video. If you or a loved one experience erectile dysfunction, there are safe and all-natural treatments that can help.   ...

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Acupressure for Irritation

May 16, 2024

Governing Vessel 26: Feeling irritated? It's a common emotional response to stress or frustration. Try acupressure to ease tension and restore calmness.  

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Acupressure for Irritation

Governing Vessel 26: Feeling irritated? It's a common emotional response to stress or frustration. Try acupressure to ease tension and...

Anxiety Be Gone With Acupressure

Circulation and Sex 6: Ease anxiety: Practice deep breathing, exercise, and connect with support systems. Acupressure on specific points can...

Acupressure for Sports Injuries

Gallbladder 34: Sports injuries involve harm to muscles, joints, or tissues during physical activity. Proper treatment, rest, and rehabilitation are...

Empowering Acupressure Tip for Addressing Bleeding in Pregnancy

Conception Vessel 4: Pregnancy bleeding: seek medical advice for proper evaluation, as causes vary from common to potentially serious issues....

Say Goodbye to Stress Headaches

Triple Energizer 23: Stress headaches result from tension and anxiety, causing a steady, squeezing pain. Relieving stress through techniques like...

Acupressure Technique for Congestion Relief

Stomach 2: Relieve nasal congestion with acupressure, applying gentle pressure to specific points, promoting sinus drainage, and easing breathing discomfort....

Natural Relief: Mastering Acupressure to Ease Dysuria Symptoms

Bladder 40: Dysuria is painful or difficult urination, often caused by infections, inflammation, or other urinary tract issues. Acupressure can...

Knee Pain? Acupressure

Spleen 10: Knee pain treatment involves methods like acupressure, exercises, and rest to alleviate discomfort, improve mobility, and promote healing....

Empower Body: Acupressure Tip for Managing PMS

Kidney 3: PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) problems encompass mood swings, cramps, bloating, and irritability that many women experience before their period....

Acupressure Against Anxiety

Conception Vessel 14: An anxiety rush is a sudden, intense surge of anxiety, often accompanied by palpitations, restlessness, and a...

Empower Journey: Acupressure Technique for Hemiplegia

Governing Vessel 20: Hemiplegia awareness is about understanding and raising knowledge of the condition, characterized by paralysis on one side...

Say Goodbye to Constipation With Acupressure

Large Intestine 11: Constipation is a common digestive issue, causing infrequent, hard, or difficult bowel movements, often accompanied by discomfort....

Bye-Bye Sniffles With Acupressure

Stomach 40: Sniffles are mild nasal congestion, often due to colds or allergies, causing runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and...

Acupressure for Emotional Harmony

Circulation and Sex 6: Emotional health is the state of well-being that involves understanding, managing, and expressing one's feelings in...

Summer: Treating Heat Stroke with Acupressure

Conception Vessel 6: Heat stroke is a severe heat-related illness, often caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, leading to...

Renewal: Acupressure for Stroke Warriors

Heart 9: Being a stroke survivor means navigating life after a stroke, facing challenges, recovery, and adapting to new circumstances....

Acupressure for Pure Relaxation

Conception Vessel 12: Relaxation is a state of calm and ease, reducing stress and promoting well-being. It involves unwinding the...

Gut Health Reimagined: Acupressure Secret for Constipation Relief

Triple Heater 5: Constipation remedy: Methods to relieve infrequent, difficult bowel movements, often through dietary, lifestyle changes, or acupressure techniques....

Say Goodbye to Menstrual Pain: Acupressure Solution for Dysmenorrhea

Stomach 30: Dysmenorrhea attack: Severe menstrual cramps causing pelvic pain, nausea, and discomfort, typically during menstruation due to uterine contractions....

Acupressure Bliss: Banish Sores and Discomfort Today

Spleen 10: Sores are skin lesions or ulcers, often painful or uncomfortable, caused by various factors like injury, infection, or...

Acupressure Technique to Alleviate Breathlessness

Lung 6: Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is a distressing sensation of difficult or labored breathing, often due to various...

Stop Vomiting in its Tracks: Acupressure Comfort

🌟 Experience relief from nausea and illness with our new acupressure video! Learn powerful techniques to alleviate discomfort and promote...

Wellness Warriors Unite: Acupressure Technique for Immunity

Immune function defends the body from infections and diseases. It involves white blood cells, antibodies, and a complex defense system....

Acupressure on Hot Flashes

Hot flash: sudden intense heat, sweating, and flushed skin, common during menopause due to hormonal changes. Acupressure can help to...

Relax and Rebalance: Acupressure Technique to Tame Anxiety

Anxiety awareness promotes understanding, empathy, and support for those facing the challenges of this common mental health condition. Acupressure can...

Harmonize Heart: Acupressure for Irregular Heartbeat Relief

Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) is a condition where the heart beats too fast, too slow, or irregularly, potentially causing health concerns....

Acupressure for Stroke Survivors

Stroke recovery involves rehabilitation and therapy to regain lost functions, mobility, and independence after a stroke's neurological damage. Acupressure is...

Acupressure to Soothe Chest Discomfort

Chest pain is a distressing sensation or discomfort in the chest area, often caused by heart issues, muscle strain, or...

The Art of Serenity: Acupressure Secret to Tame Irritability

Irritability is a state of heightened sensitivity and impatience, often resulting in easily triggered anger or frustration. Acupressure can help...

Eyes: Acupressure Technique for Eye Disorders

Eye disorders encompass various conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, affecting vision and often requiring medical attention. Acupressure can...

Doggy Comfort 101: Acupressure Technique to Soothe Elbow Pain

Dog elbow pain is discomfort in a dog's front limb joint, often caused by arthritis or injury, impacting mobility and...

Paws-itive: Acupressure for Canine Constipation

Ease dog constipation with hydration, fiber, and acupressure. Promote regular, comfortable bowel movements for your furry friend.  

Acupressure for a Healthy Canine Heart

Dog heart issues, like congestive heart failure, can lead to coughing, fatigue, and fluid buildup, affecting a dog's quality of...

Doggy Ligament Care: Acupressure

A dog ligament injury is a painful, often debilitating, damage to the connective tissue that supports joints, like the ACL...

Pawsitive Energy Flow: Acupressure Tip to Boost Your Dog's Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve in dogs is a vital part of their nervous system, regulating various bodily functions, from heart rate...

Elevate Your Mood Naturally

Uplift your mood: Find joy, connect, practice gratitude, exercise, sleep well, use acupressure, and relax for positive emotions.  

Respire: Acupressure's Guide to Nurturing Healthy Lungs

Lung health is vital for efficient breathing and oxygenation. Acupressure supports clear airways, balanced energy, and overall respiratory well-being.  ...

From Slumber to Success: Harness Acupressure for a Dynamic Start

Rousing yourself involves awakening from rest or low energy. Acupressure techniques can boost alertness, focus, and motivation for a productive...

Acupressure for Wheeze Relief

Wheeze: High-pitched, whistling sound when breathing due to narrowed airways. Acupressure relaxes airways for smoother breathing.  

Say Goodbye to the Blues Acupressure Remedy for a Brighter Day

Engaging in activities like exercise, spending time with loved ones, listening to music, or trying acupressure can lift mood, promoting...

Acupressure: Sore Throat

Sore throat remedies: Saltwater gargle, hydration, lozenges, herbal tea, honey, soothing foods. Acupressure eases inflammation, provides relief.  

Awaken the Mind: Acupressure Technique to Beat Stupor and Boost Clarity

Stupor is a daze-like state with reduced responsiveness. Combat it with sensory stimulation, hydration, and acupressure to regain alertness.  ...

Acupressure Technique for Laryngitis Recovery

Laryngitis recovery involves rest, hydration, and avoiding strain on the voice. Acupressure can aid healing by relieving tension and inflammation....

Unlocking Olfactory Potential: Acupressure Secret for Sensory Delight!

Acupressure enhances olfactory perception by stimulating specific points, improving nasal circulation, and heightening sensitivity to scents for a richer sensory...

Goodbye Migraines

Acupressure provides migraine relief by targeting specific points, easing tension, improving blood flow, and alleviating pain naturally and effectively.  ...

Nose Unbound: Acupressure Technique for Swelling Relief

Nose swelling can hinder breathing and cause discomfort. Acupressure offers gentle methods to reduce swelling, aiding in easy breathing and...

Puffy Hands: Acupressure for Swelling Relief

Swollen hands occur due to fluid retention, injury, or medical conditions. Acupressure helps reduce swelling by promoting circulation and relaxation....

Healing: Harnessing Acupressure for Effective Headache Relief

Discover relief from headaches using acupressure's precise touch. Activate pressure points to ease tension, soothe pain, and restore well-being naturally....

Acupressure Eye Disease Treatment

Eye diseases encompass various conditions affecting vision. Acupressure offers a holistic approach to aid treatment, promoting eye health and comfort....

Revive Your Knees

Benefiting the knees: Acupressure stimulates specific points to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve flexibility, and promote overall knee health for...

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