Our Lab Test Review Service is designed to help you better understand and make use of your lab results. Our goal is to provide you with a personalized wellness program based on your unique needs and lab results. Fee is waived for labs conduced through our office.


I provide a thorough review and interpretation for a fee of $95. This fee covers the detailed analysis required to create a personalized wellness plan based on complex data from multiple sources.

If you choose to have your lab tests conducted through my office, the $95 fee is waived. This ensures you receive the best value and a seamless experience from testing to wellness planning.

Through this service, you will receive a customized wellness program that aligns with your health goals and needs. My approach integrates the latest in holistic medicine with your specific lab results, providing you with a roadmap to optimal health.

For more information or to schedule your lab test review, please contact my office. Let’s work together to achieve your health and wellness goals.

Dr Robert Baritz, DC

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