Seasonal Stressor

Let's enjoy the outdoors! You waited all winter to get outside, but the immune system can be challenged by environmental substances. Don’t let seasonal stresses keep you indoors. Learn more about our Standard Process and MediHerb® supplement plans that support the body’s natural defense systems and make activities more enjoyable.*

Lifestyle Recommendations

Weekly aerobic exercise 150 moderate or 75 minutes vigorous. Strength training two times a week. Sleep eight hours per night. Eat a nutritious diet.

About Dr. Baritz

  • Dr. Baritz, a Clinical Nutrition expert, conducts comprehensive assessments to identify specific health needs. He then devises personalized nutritional programs, integrating dietary guidelines, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments.
  • Those seeking treatment with Dr. Baritz are assured of receiving quality care from a trusted professional, through the use of high standard organic whole-food supplements, and professional grade herbs. The doctor and staff have a genuine concern for your well-being!