The Parasite Miracle Point
Learn the symptoms of parasites and what you can do about it in my latest video, The Parasite Miracle Point.
Learn the symptoms of parasites and what you can do about it in my latest video, The Parasite Miracle Point.
Today you are going to learn a simple technique to improve heart health. It takes less than five minutes a day and can produce life-changing results. Heart disease is a leading cause of physical disability and reduced enjoyment in life. From fatigue, weight gain, difficulty sleeping, reduced exercise tolerance, swelling in your feet and legs to poor sexual function, nonoptimal heart health can impact just about every part of your life. There seems to be an ever-growing list of heart medications and surgeries that are being recommended. These medical treatments may be lifesaving, but they are associated with a growing list of side effects. Fortunately, we have inherited acupuncture point stimulation, a safe natural approach to heart health that can be by itself or alongside medical treatments. One study showed that stimulating a certain acupuncture point produced heart protective results even for those undergoing heart surgery. And a scientific review of 14 randomized controlled studies found that acupuncture point stimulation promoted better heart function in both healthy and unhealthy individuals. In this video, you are going to learn how to find and activate the three acupuncture points researched in these studies. The effect of these points is cumulative, and this video shows you the recommended sequence for activating them.
Have you been told that you have a fatty liver? Are you concerned about the problems this can cause, like liver inflammation, scarring, and even worse? In this video, your are going to learn three research-tested acupressure points that have been shown to be an effective treatment for fatty liver. Fatty liver, sometimes called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is a silent condition. Imagine your liver silently struggling without you even knowing. This is the reality for many dealing with fatty liver. As fat accumulates in the liver, it sets the stage for liver inflammation and damage. But here's the catch--a fatty liver usually doesn't announce itself. Symptoms, if they appear, might be vague: fatigue, a general feeling of being unwell, or discomfort in the upper right abdomen. It's like a whisper of warning from your body, easily missed until it's too late. No one knows exactly why fat builds up in some livers and not others. Genetics, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and high blood fat levels all play a role. Yet a fatty liver can sneak into life without any of these risk factors. And health problems can occur as a result of fatty liver. Liver scarring, known as cirrhosis, is the main issue. In response to inflammation, the liver replaces liver cells with scar tissue, reducing overall liver function. This gradual deterioration underscores the urgency of addressing fatty liver disease early. Medications are sometimes recommended, and can provide important relief, but none are curative, and they can have significant side effects. One bright spot is the studies showing that acupuncture point stimulation can be a natural treatment for fatty liver. A review of eight randomized controlled studies, comprising 939 patients, showed that acupuncture point stimulation was superior to conventional treatment in improving overall results. It also showed that when acupuncture point stimulation was combined with conventional treatment, the results were even better. In the next few minutes, I will show you how to find and activate three points important therapeutic points identified in these studies. These points are arranged for optimal effectiveness, so I recommend following them in the sequence presented.
Do you sometimes have a rapid heartbeat, trouble gaining weight, heat intolerance or tremors? Do those combine with anxiety, trouble sleeping, or light periods? If so, you might have hyperthyroidism. In this video, you are going to learn how to find and activate three acupressure points that have been helping people with hyperthyroidism for thousands of years. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland situated in the front of the neck. It is responsible for metabolism, energy, hormone regulation, body weight, and calcium levels. Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes overactive and produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones causing symptoms like a racing heart, weight loss, heat intolerance, or nervousness. Prolonged hyperthyroidism can strain the heart, leading to issues like persistent racing heart, atrial fibrillation, or even heart failure. It can also cause osteoporosis due to accelerated bone loss. In rare cases, it may result in a thyroid storm: severe symptoms like high fever, confusion, and a very fast heart rate. Without treatment, hyperthyroidism can significantly impact quality of life, causing fatigue, muscle weakness, unintended weight loss and affect vision problems. Medical treatments focusing on drugs and surgery can be lifesaving, but they do not act to restore the natural balance of the body. That is where acupuncture point stimulation comes in. Acupuncture point stimulation has been used for thousands of years to help people with thyroid problems. A scientific study analyzing over 1,700 patients with thyroid problems found significant symptom relief and improved biomarkers when acupuncture point stimulation was used either on its own or alongside medical treatments. In this video, you will learn how to find and activate three acupressure points that are traditionally used to help people with hyperthyroidism.