Natural Treatment for Heart Attack Recovery

Do you have symptoms related to a recent or distant heart attack? When recovering from a heart attack you can feel weak, have shortness of breath, have a rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and feel depressed.

Medication and rehab are usually recommended and can be a big help. Some people are looking for a natural, non-drug, inexpensive remedy to improve recovery. Music, touch therapy, and massage are some natural methods that have been shown to improve recovery.

In this video, you will learn three specific acupressure points that clinical trials have shown to have a positive effect on patients recovering from a heart attack. These acupressure points are known to stimulate vital energy flow, promote relaxation, and support overall well-being and recovery from a heart attack.

If you think you might be having a heart attack you should seek immediate medical care. If you are in recovery, please continue to watch.