Foods to Protect Your Eyes

Did you know that certain foods can help prevent vision loss and are linked to a lower risk for cataracts, macular degeneration, and dry eye? It’s true! Studies show that eating certain foods can boost eye health and reduce the risk of eye conditions. No matter what issue you have, it is not too late to start eating these foods. In this video, you will learn how to select the foods that have been shown to support vision and eye health.

People with vision problems can encounter daily challenges like reading difficulties, limited mobility, reduced independence, and obstacles in education and employment. They also may also face social isolation, safety concerns, and struggle with everyday tasks and access to healthcare. The emotional toll, financial strain and limited access to information are additional issues that those with vision problems encounter.

This video will give you the guidelines for picking out foods that support and protect vision. And at the end of this video, you will be introduced to the vision support program that has been successfully used with patients to help with vision problems.